Canal irrigation and lubricants Show:
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AccuDose Needletubes 20ga (Photobloc Orange) for all C-R syringes.Syringe all types of composites, c..
-26% Applicators ended with a brush for safe and convenient dosing of preparations. The microbrush and th..
£9.75 £7.25
-22% Calcium hydroxide pasteProduct CALCIPAST is intended for use during dental treatment as material for..
£17.95 £13.95
-6% Canal Detector - Root canal orifices indicator Blue dye contained in the product invades into ..
£16.50 £15.50
-27% 5 bottles of 200g = 1kg (around 1000ml)
CHLORAXID 5.25% has a lytic effe..
£35.00 £25.50
-22% Liquid for root canals rinsing
CITRIC ACID 40% is used durin..
£12.50 £9.75
-25% Opalescence™ Endo 35% Whitening kit by Ultradent Opalescence Endo non-vital whi..
£127.00 £95.50
-24% Flexible needles with a side vent for rinsing of root canals and gingival pockets.
£59.00 £45.00
Liquid for root canals widening
Endo Solution is ..
£28.00 £21.95
-17% Elastic applicators for pastes, creams, gels.Flexibility and the appropriate angle of bending allow ..
£18.75 £15.50
-17% Transparent and flexible applicators 22G, bent for dispensing liquids, creams, pastes, gels.The flex..
£18.75 £15.50
-17% Transparent and flexible applicators 27G, bent with two side holes for dispensing liquids, creams, p..
£18.75 £15.50
-33% GLUCO-CHEX 2% is intended for use during endodontic treatment as a measure for rinsing root ca..
£27.70 £18.50
-10% IrriFlex® , VDW EDDY FLEX.CANNULA™ and TruNatomy Irrigation Needles are manufactured by Produits Den..
£59.00 £53.00
-15% This minimal waste tip, featuring Material Saving Technology (MST), is ideal for costly materials.Co..
£33.00 £28.00